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How to support your immune system.

Writer: Jen WarrJen Warr

Updated: Apr 23, 2018

Did you know there are numerous ways to boost your immune system? To keep your body's defense systems armed and ready for any little 'bugs' that might try to invade? I am disheartened by the lack of education and awareness about the steps to be proactive with your health. Where are the doctors telling you to limit sugar, eat clean and organic, tend to your gut health, and to get fresh air and sunshine (Vitamin D)? My mum's oncologist actually told me I knew more than her when it came to nutrition and I nearly fell off my seat! I have learned how very little most allopathic doctors are taught about nutrition and its connection to our bodies - which I find perplexing. I am so grateful to be connected with MD's, DO's and ND's who not only see the value of this topic, they work to teach others. I am not a doctor - could never stomach med school!! But I have been seeking and searching for ways to help my family and me live a healthy, vital life. I thought I would share with you the things we have learned along the way. Use it as a starting point for your own research. Talk with your doctors - find some that see the value of this - and protect your family's health by being proactive, rather than reactive. I don't believe that popping a pill will cure all, but I do believe there are some things we can take to arm our bodies' own defense systems. There is a time and place for using modern medicine and I will always be grateful it is there, but I am passionate about using things that are more natural, do not cause adverse side effects the way pharmaceuticals can and can help you feel empowered about your own health.

With all the sickness floating around - I though I would share what I have on hand in my 'medicine cabinet' to help keep us healthy or treat us if we get sick. In addition to all below - I also make a pot of bone broth. I have one stewing away right now - and yes - it has chicken feet in it!! I want the most vitamins and minerals I can get into our bodies!

1. Sambucus by Nature's Way. If you cannot make elderberry syrup yourself - this is the brand I trust! Every medicine cabinet should have elderberry syrup to treat respiratory illnesses such as cold and flu. It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and anti-influenza properties. Elderberry contains flavonoids which have antioxidant properties and may help prevent damage to the body's cells - beating out blueberries, cranberries, goji berries and blackberries in terms of total flavonol content.

2. Immunition - This is a beta-glucan that I learned about from my homeopath. I order off Amazon - the blue bottle (the green is a higher potency that we have used but not often). Beta glucan helps boost the immune system. We take one of these pills when we travel on the airplane. If we are sick we take one in the am and possibly a second at night if we are really sick. When school starts up I give one to Oliver to help boost his system before being around so many new bugs.

3. A Child's Life - First Defense. We get this at Whole Foods. It helps boost and support your immune system that we often use at back to school time and when we are sick.

4. Oscillococcinum - this is a homeopathic flu remedy. I recently used it with my dad as treatment over Christmas - and the rest of us used a dose of it for preventative measure.

5. Chestal - this is a homeopathic cough medicine that if taken as stated (every two hours) has always worked for us.

6. Vitamin D, Probiotic, Omega 3 - we take these daily although our omega now has vitamin d in it so I only add in a vitamin d supplement if we are sick. (If you would like info about the ones we take - I would love to share!)

7. Lypospheric Vitamin C - just one of the best (although disgusting) forms of vitamin c for when you are sick. Most forms of Vitamin C do not get absorbed by your body - they get destroyed in your digestive tract.

8. We use Young Living's Thieves Oil and RC - but I only diffuse them - I do not ingest essential oils unless directed by my naturopath.

9. Oil of Oregano - this stuff is strong and potent and I highly recommend you get advice on how to use it - but it is amazing!! There have been a few times that we really needed something stronger and this was it!

I am sure I am missing something - but I hope this list helps you find some new resources! If you have any questions - just ask! I am not a doctor...obviously!! =) But I want to share what I have learned from my amazing doctors. Wishing you a healthy rest of winter!


Jen Warr
Jen Warr
Feb 24, 2018

that's my goal jen - empower all the mamas with some choices and information so they can make healthy choices!!


Feb 24, 2018

Great info, thanks for sharing what works for you and your family. I use a few of these, but the ones I don't I will definitely look into. I wish these products were in every household!


Jen Warr
Jen Warr
Feb 24, 2018

Thank you Anna! I am working on the bone broth post!! =)


Anna Gaytan
Anna Gaytan
Feb 24, 2018

Thank you for all this amazing info! Definitely a good time to stock up on immunity boosters and sickness remedies. Also, I'd love to see a post on your chicken bone broth :)


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